Event quest: 11 Level: 70
Level requirement: Level 70 & 3. Job-Change
Title: The Passage Money "Devah’s Soul" - The new world
- Go to the place "Forrest of Elements" south of "City of Priest".
- Talk to "Priest Tower [Il Ja]" (14) [outside the city].
- Find following "Souls of Undead" in the "Tower of Priest" (Dungeon 5).
1 x"Essence of fire element" in Floor 8
1 x"Essence of water element" in Floor 6
1 x"Essence of wood element" im Floor 4
1 x"Essence of iron element" in Floor 9
1 x"Essence of earth element" in Floor 3
- Talk again with "Priest Towser [Il Ja]" (14) [outside the city].
Title: The Trial of “I’Lryer” - The new world
- Go to the place "Forrest of Elements" south of "City of Priest" in the "Tower of Priest" (Dungeon 5).
- Find now 100
"Essence of undead" from all monsters.
- Talk to "Event application manager [Min-Sung]" in "Tower of Priest" to go to "I'Lyer".
- Find now one
"I'Lryer's ring" in Tower of Priest by "cheios" and"Dunamic".
- Talk again with "Priest Towser [Il Ja]" (14) [outside the city] or with "Messenger of Devah [Jin-Heun]" north of the city "Geum Oh-Mine".
- You now receive a "Moving Trinket" with which you can travel to the new world.
Reward: Unlock access to new world