Student & teacher
Published: Wednesday, 05 March 2014
General description:
Each newcomer to the game, which is below the level of 16, can be taught by a teacher. The student should choose exactly his teacher, because later it is possible to change the teachers, but the reward is.The 16 level you can become a teacher and student.
How do I become a student?
There is an NPC named "Agent" in the initial town "Narootuh". (No. 03)At this NPC, you can choose the teacher of which you would like to have. To do this, chooses her [make A Realationship] and writes the player name in the now open window.
The teacher chosen by you must accept the request.
Make sure you choose wisely. Because you'll get a reward only for the first teacher of your entire account. Although you can change the teacher but the reward remains out.

Function of the teacher:
A teacher should be nice, helpful, and often can be reached. In addition he should know about is little KAL, to answer you questions.A teacher for it there, to help you to understand the game better and to get you over your ear, not only is to get the 70,000 Geons.
The reward of it all is great.At the beginning, to get a full G8 equipment.
The student & teacher maintains status, you get the following reward:
Student level 16: 20,000 Geon for both (students and teachers)
Student level 30: 50,000 Geon for both (students and teachers)
Student level 30: 50,000 Geon for both (students and teachers)